There once was a kid named Jack. That was about to graduate him self first grade. Little Jack was excited (Van Halen 84 jump school out excited) ta head up that hill . Home ta feed them goats. An get him some them's.Oh so good ,goo E cookies his MA makes. The bell rings jack jumps up. So fast his britches almost fall down. Little Jack grabs his backpack ,tares out the door . Makes him ah quick right like. WATCH OUT DUFIS!!, it's Patty Cakes. Close call dont want catch. Any them kooties she got. Marky Mark, say'smake your hair fall ou. An yah grow chicken feet. Dont want none that NoT No HoW Not No WaY!! Run for the hills Jack (some kind of Iron Maiden ring in his head). Is that MA at the bottom of the hill Jack says ta hims self. He know it is cause he see Jus fine. Why with all them carrots he's been eatin . With ole Petter rabbit , out younder pass the brier patch.
Yep , yeppers that's MA all right. At the bottom of the hill. Jack's MA picks him up. An holds him oh so tight. The kinda tight like . Poo bear on some hunny tight like. This here's one them life changin times. That ya got's ta go through in life's. Jack's Daddy was hit by that crazy drunk lady Betty Joe. Sure nuff Down outside little ole Jamestown. She was leavin bar S, all sauced up. On scooters white lightin . Comes round that bend hit head on . With that no good yeller truck.
Yep one them times. Ya Don't want
NoT No HoW NoT No WaY
Hey Jack, what's up Jill . Jill reaches out grabs little Jack's hand. He looks up smiles sticks his tongue out. Ribits and crouks like little ole frog. Your a weird one,for sur little monkey. They both laugh an head .Up the hill hand in hand.
SUPRISE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!!!! Everyone screams. Jill slaps him on the back of his head, happy birthday ya little monkey. All his new friends from D KAdD are there . Jesse an his little cousin Avery are there. With Jesse ah choppin on a bearclaw . Some years back Jesse an little Avery's mom an dad , were walkin back. From daylight doughnuts, with dozen bearclaws. Were they was hit by Boss Hog . While he was reacting under the floor board .fur some of Scooter's finest Whitelight nin.
Yep,Yeppers one those times ya don't want .
NoT No HoW NoT No WaY
Why there's Krissy an Joey. Who's mom an dad were out there at four corners. Gazing out at the stars. Enjoy in each others company . Along with some of Nancy's, pan Hoppin poppin Oh so good frog legs.
When Boblin Bob come ah eat in a Kabob. Come ah Boblin round corner. All hopped up on that Whitelightin.
There daddy John, been takin kids ta Dizzy house ever sent's. An first bein put through school .
Yep, yeppers one thoughs times yah don't want.
NoT No HoW NoT No
Dizzy's Ah comin, that crazy Duck spinnin round. Gettin himselves all dizzy again. With little Jack's birthday cake no less He,he. There he goes again ta his fav toon LIVE TA TRY ! Man oh , MAN that duck can get down
Speakin of time it keeps on ah slippin, an ah So best wrap this up fur now. May there be no bedbugs an, ah sleep.......oh
You want ta hear the rest .. ok Ok so were was I. AN THE POWER OF GREY SKULL!! SHUT UP SHELDON!! Sissy quit bein so bossy.
ok Ok, so Jack takes in a big... ah big..... ole gulp of air. Dont even ask me sissy cause I ain't goin ta tell ya what he wished for.
I will tell ya this though. When them candles went out. Right when the last one ah flickered out. Why Time seemed ta ,why....its hard to explain. Time seemed ta slow our maybe it stopped. In that space an time.....time and space....everyone it that room felt pure love and joy within themselves. U know that feeling inside Ma calls your gut instinct. Why there was ah something else in that room . They could all sense and feel in that time an space, if u zz wants ta call it that. A presents in that room , that couldn't be seen our heard. U could feel it and knew was there. I think ....well I knew it ah was... everyone's loved ones that had crossed over. Them souls why ,why they was ah , feeling pure love an joy themselves . On the other side at that exact time and space.
The moon was full an bright like. Them little ole lightnin bugs was ah flickering on an off . Every which way ya zzz looked . The wind was ah makin one of its gentle little howls.When Jack an Jill waz ah comin down that hill.
Jack looks up at Jill ,with them big ole brown eyes . Hey Jill , what's up little monkey. U goin see your Ma tomorrow. (Betty Joe) Sure nuff aim. Will u tell her, will u.........will u tell her. I ......I forgive her an I want her ta be happy...and that .... I.......think my daddy up in heaven forgives her to. Jill's eyes get a little moist. Slaps little ole Jack on the back of his head. Sur nuff will little monkey, i sure will. Jill reaches down grabs Jack's hand. And Jack &Jill walk hand an hand down that pretty moon lit hill.
U guys got ta go ta sleep know. Before Mom get's home. Sissy if u go tattle in ta Mom. On me bout that window. I won't tell u and Sheldon . Bout Dizzy Landin in Jamestown Ks .In WAY- VO'z - THE -EGO'z an meet in his first lovelings . Little Avery an cousin Jess.
Thank you
For this day
For love,protection,guidance
May we receive good energy from Heaven
May we give good energy back to Heaven
May we create more smiles,then frowns
More laughs than cries
More love than hate
In JESUS name