There was a street kid named Paco.That would rather fight u than look at ya. That had ran away, from home,after his dad almost shot him. He looked around in this room , he was squatting in . At the roaches, being hungry, sick of hustling . From that DAY ta the next told himself never again. No one thought he'd live ta be 18. Let alone do something with his life. He had a gift of talking like a duck. Got a job drivin truck became a teamster. Were he became a shop Stewart and later on vice president of the local 533. He helped alot of his brothers and sisters ,throughout the years. He also had a three year old son that he gave up custody to. That moved away with his mom ,and was adopted by someone else. He wanted ta create good vibes, and do something positive.
DIZZY DUCK was born some were along that path. I met them both when I was 15. Dizzy for the first time at a park. I got ta hand out balloons. I watched Dizzy light up kids , and adults alike with laughter and good vibes. That following year while I was gettin ready for school in the mornings. Dizzy would be in front room saying ,OH BOY in duck talk . Through the phone that was comin out the radio. On a morning radio show
that was called good morning Reno with, so and so. That was over 30 years ago. Through out those years. I've had the opportunity ta watch ,the duck spread his majic.Our a better word for it love.Weather it be at a picnic, in a park, at a game, friends house, our a children's hospital at Christmas time. Only god knows how much love, and good vibes . Dizzy has created an spread over the years.